Rather than "piling on", I'll just offer a different perspective.
When I saw etn_ump's post, I didn't notice his "credentials". So, I just tried to answer his question.
Personally, I thought it an exceptionally good answer.

But hey, that's just me.
Now that his credentials have been called to my attention, I too am a little surprised that he asked the question.
Some of the best umpires I know and have worked with are not especially "articulate" about the rules. They KNOW the rules, and how to properly apply them - they just aren't especially good at explaining why and giving supporting rule cites and such.
I myself am very good at those latter things, but some of these guys who aren't are better umpires than I in my own estimation. They just are.
Yes, I'm sure.
The body of etn_ump's posts here lead me to believe that he's a credible umpire in the leagues he works.