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Old Sat Jul 10, 2010, 06:21am
deecee deecee is offline
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worst FT violation ever

dont ask me how this happened but it did today in a varsity boys tourney.

first of 2 FT's and ball ends up coming to rest on the flange between the backboard and the rim - not lodged but just sitting there on that piece of metal....

Well I just called it a violation but I wasn't sure about that (the only thing I was sure about was that the shooter will not get a redo). Coach asked me why it was a violation and I told him that technically it wouldn't be a violation but a jump ball but since its the first of 2 its counted as a "miss". He asked me what would have happened had it been the second and I said "jump ball - alternating arrow" - the only reason I think this is because the ball is live and there is nothing in the rule book for this being a violation.

did i kick it?
in OS I trust
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