I'm the King of Sarcasm at times.
This is the visiting teams rules:
Section VII. Umpire/Rule Books
A. The Official Rules of Baseball MLB are the guidelines to be followed.
B. Pony League Baseball Rules shall override where applicable.
C. 1st use Tri-County Pony League Rules, then USSSA Baseball, then MLB.
D. Any amendments to either of these, passed by the board, will overrule
the above.(Umpire must be 16 yrs old or older)
So it's a PONY organization guided by OBR rules, then PONY rules, then USSA rules playing in a tournament hosted by a PONY guided organization guided by FED rules, with the Tournament rules governed by LLB.
Get it? Got it? Good!!!
As for me, I'm choking on alphabet soup.