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Old Thu Jul 01, 2010, 05:06pm
UES-2 UES-2 is offline
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Posts: 10
Infield Fly Rule

I don't want to re-hash alot of this but I will for the sake of training. A friend of mine owns 1 of the 2 umpire schools in FL. I am sure you know the 2 owners. He confirmed my thoughts that the play @ Oakland was an IFF. Here is part of the email:

I feel the infield fly rule should have definitely been enforced. There are two major considerations here: 1. Did the ball have enough arc to be considered a fly ball rather than a line drive? and 2. Where was the second baseman originally positioned at the time the ball was batted?

The ball had enough arc and the fielder could have fielded it with reasonable effort from his starting position. A smart play by the second baseman. This was an easy one with replay. Might have been a little tougher live action.

This play could happen to any of us. It has happened to me. I don't think that the call made my Crawford was completely wrong. This is a judgement call. However, most of the guys on this board think that there is no way in he!! that this was even close to being an IFF. Just some food for thought.
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