Thread: Ending Game
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Old Thu Jul 01, 2010, 03:24pm
MD Longhorn MD Longhorn is offline
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Originally Posted by softball_junky View Post
I have had to tip toe around the p**ing contest but this is what I've found so someone tell me is this correct or is there something else I am missing.

Dakota’s post is not quite the question that was posted. In Dakota’s post the runner made 2B and was tagged while off base. On page 70 in the NFHS case book 9.9.1 M.

In the last of the 7th. Inning, two outs. Score tied, bases loaded. B6 walks to force R1 home. B6 assumes the game is over fails to go to 1B and leaves the field. The ball is held at 1B. Ruling: B6 is out and the run does not score. (Rule 8.6.7 Exception b)

So B6 is out, run is nullified after the appeal?
Yes - no run... but this is not the OP either. there is a separate specific rule telling us that a run can't score on a play where BR is put out before reaching first base for the third out... that is the rule that applies to your sitch.

The disagreement between Tom, Mike, and I is whether there is any rule that says that if R2 or R3 neglect to make it to the next base, the run is nullified. I don't believe there is - neither does Tom. Mike has alluded that there is, and is generally right - but he has not helped us find that rule.
I was thinking of the immortal words of Socrates, who said, 'I drank what?'”

West Houston Mike
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