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Old Tue Jun 29, 2010, 12:37pm
MD Longhorn MD Longhorn is offline
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Originally Posted by surf24 View Post
The ball was right over the fair/foul line.....if it would have hit the ground it would have landed on the chalk line......or just inside fair territory.

For the record.....I was not calling this game but playing in it. And yes I do know that I am projecting that it would land on the chalk line.

Here is the deal. This same umpire last week said that a ball landed on the foul side of the chalk line. He actually said, "I saw the chalk puff up but it landed on the foul side of the line."
Where it would have landed is also irrelevant.

Here's what the umpire has to judge... quite simply: Was the ball over fair or foul territory when it was first touched. That's all - nothing else matters.

If your umpire said what he said, you should have protested - he has the rule wrong. If ANY part of the ball touches ANY part of the line (or is touched, as in your OP, directly over ANY part of the line) - it's fair.
I was thinking of the immortal words of Socrates, who said, 'I drank what?'”

West Houston Mike
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