Thread: Rules Quiz
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Old Fri Jun 25, 2010, 01:05pm
UmpJM UmpJM is offline
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Originally Posted by Rufus View Post
I guess that's the part the confused me on the question. Since he swung at the pitch I thought that took precedence over the ball making contact with the hands (i.e., if he hadn't swung and the ball hit his hand then that's a dead ball). The ball rolling fair after contact is considered a "hit" for that reason. Apparently that's not correct though.

So it would be a dead ball, BR to 1st, R1 to 2nd?

No that's not quite right.

Anytime an untouched pitch hits a batter, the ball is immediately dead.

If the batter swings/offers at a pitch which subsequently hits him (or is hit by a pitch which is in the sstrike zone), the pitch is ruled a strike.

Since the batter already had two strikes, he is out.

Any other runners return to their TOP base.

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