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Old Wed Jun 23, 2010, 03:46pm
Bandit Bandit is offline
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Join Date: Feb 2001
Location: Midwest
Posts: 386

I agree with the "dead ball" verbal and then "foul ball". It does give you that extra scecond of thought. I also agree 100% that the BU should NEVER say "foul ball" The BU should simply say "dead ball". That stops everything and allows the home plate umpire to make the call or possible come to the personal decision of asking for help.

Now to vent....TWICE this summer....I have had the same HP umpire on a daughters game. HP indicates "foul ball"...Only to have the BU...who was BOTH times behind the shortstop with runners on second....and different individuals..... declare the batter out for being hit outside of the batters box. Somebody tell me how an umpire can make this decision after several inning of play and the lines gone, and after the HP umpire has declared foul, and from a distance of at least 70 feet? Who the heck is teaching this mechanic???
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