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Old Wed Jun 23, 2010, 02:45pm
BK47 BK47 is offline
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like Pete says, and I said it earlier in this thread. Wouldnt this be the same as a fair ball called foul? You can not go back and make the call right and place BR and runners (if any) in locations you think they would have gotten to. You just get an a$$ chewing from the OC and live with it and try not to make the same mistake again.

Byron, my question to the originator here is why is PU changing his mind? What did he see to make him think the ball was dropped or might have been dropped after he already called the BR out? Did he say "Batter Out" on habit afterwhich he realized the ball was dropped and not secured by the catcher? I know that a transfer from glove to hand is still a catch but my point is maybe thats what he saw?
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