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Old Wed Jun 23, 2010, 12:57pm
jkumpire jkumpire is offline
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What level of ball?

On the majority of DK3's F2 will make the play ESPECIALLy at the higher levels, therefore, the most probable outcome is to RECORD the out.

IMO, you cannot simply put B1 on first base UNLESS the ball got past F2 and rolled all the way back to a rather long back-stop.

In this OP you CANNOT get the call right, so you make the ruling that would have normally occured. In other words if the PU didn't mess up, in the PU's judgement would the defense have thrown out B1 which as mentioned is the most likely outcome the majority of times.

Pete Booth
Pete, the level was 13-14 year old kids, which is part of the problem here as well, and part of the reason why I said what I said. A 15 yr. old kid as F2 makes the play, we are delaing with younger kids here.
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