What ruleset? Any I know, and the coach has an argument:
OBR 6.06(c): A batter is out for illegal action when (c) He interferes with the catcher’s fielding or throwing by stepping out of the batter’s box or making any other movement that hinders the catcher’s play at home base. Rule 6.06(c) Comment: If the batter interferes with the catcher, the plate umpire shall call “interference.” The batter is out and the ball dead. No player may advance on such interference (offensive interference) and all runners must return to the last base that was, in the judgment of the umpire, legally touched at the time of the interference.
Fed 7-3-5: A batter shall not interfere with the catcher's fielding or throwing by: (a) leaning over home plate, (b) stepping out of the batter's box. PENALTY: When there are two outs, the batter is out.... When an attempt to put out a runner at any other base [other than home plate] is unsuccessful, the batter is out and all runners must return to bases occupied at the time of the pitch.