Look, I the part I play in this game: I'm the umpire. I'm the most hated person on the field, even more hated than the opposing team. I'm loved by few, liked by some, hated by most. I accept that. Hell, I have to. I don't have a choice!
That being said, there's a certain amount of thick skin that we have to wear out on the field. Being hated is just part of the game, and all you can do is laugh it off when everyone else boos your calls.
Because hey, guess what. I didn't kick that call, you (the fans) did. You didn't see the pulled foot or the missed tag. I did. Joke's on you, fans.
You tough it out. You turn off the rabbit ears and you call YOUR game. Not the crowd's game, not the players' game, not the coaches' game.
Your game.
If you play into their trap (and I guaran-damn-tee you it's a trap,
Ackbar-style), you'll stop calling your game. You'll be off balance. You'll start getting out of position and make bad calls. You'll become the umpire THEY think you are.
I will, however, draw certain lines. Threats, sexual comments (unless they're pretty original and about me), and the like will force me to act. Aggressive acts like throwing things or banging on the fence like a bunch of caged animals will also get the like.
That's what I call BOTH coaches out of the dugout, tell them that it stops NOW, or this game goes no further until it DOES stop.
But hey, sometimes, we just have to remember to wear our kevlar when we're out there and accept the fact that we're just a target for a bit of hatred. Most of it goes nowhere, and some of it is actually kind of amusing (in a sick way).
Just don't make yourself the bullseye by playing into their hand.