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Old Thu Jun 17, 2010, 12:33pm
surf24 surf24 is offline
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What would you do??

This is a situation that I observed last night as a spectator at my son's baseball game. But I do know it is something that could happen on a softball field in any kind of age

One umpire (already not the best scenario right?)

One set of coaches do not like any of the calls being made. (I would like to say that the ball/strike zone was consistent for both teams.) There were two times that the ump called a runner out at first because the throw beat them there. Both times the head coach told the umpire out loud that he "had a vision problem", the second time the head coach pointed a bat at the umpire, yelled, "that is the 2nd time - you are so blind" -- and then he slammed the bat on the ground. He was within six feet of the ump when that took place. No curse words were spoken.

My thought was - as an umpire - I'm not tolerating getting yelled out like that. Several fans from both teams did say that should be something to warrant "getting thrown off the field."

How tolerant are ya'll? I am pretty tolerant but there are some things that I think should not go unchecked....

Oh yeah, and that same coach had the pitcher and first base have a little conference and slip the ball to the first base to try to pick the runner off. How legal is that??

"It is useful to look back and to look forward as well. Always remember, though, that now is where you are, and now is when you can make a difference." Ralph Marston

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"Let me win. But if I can not win, let me be brave in the attempt."

Last edited by surf24; Thu Jun 17, 2010 at 12:48pm.
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