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Old Tue Jun 15, 2010, 09:06am
surf24 surf24 is offline
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Originally Posted by Bandit View Post
Let alone the talking to outside the fence visitors. How about the partner that tries to be the funny, buddy-buddy with both the the coaches before, between and during the innings because everyone knows he's going to screw something up....including himself and hopes his fake "I'm your pal" attitude will save him.

I admit it is hard for me as I have played ball at the complex that I now umpire at for about 15 years now. I know, have played with and/or against most of the players that come there for games. I make every attempt though to keep it "professional" when I am in my umpire attire.

I did get a compliment last older gentleman on one of the church teams games I had told me I had the most consistent ball/strike zone and hustled more than any umpire they'd had so far this season. (I did make sure last night wasn't their first game. lol)

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