Originally Posted by Bandit
As an umpire. I attend my daughters games as a fan or sometimes a score-keeper and I see umpires who THINK they do know the rules.
Yes---this is tough to watch. I have several times gone to "said umpires" after the game with my rule book in hand and show them the actual rule. Only one time did they not appreciate it. I do not do it during a game because I feel that would be very uncouth.
Originally Posted by mbcrowder
My pet peeve: Partner allows 15-20 warmup pitches, 3-4 minutes, chatting with someone outside the fence.
That or coaches that yell time and start walking toward their pitcher, not waiting for me to call TIME, before play has completely stopped.
Yes.......I give about 4 in the very first inning and after that they get one. I mean they've already thrown a bunch --- it isn't going to get better. lol
"It is useful to look back and to look forward as well. Always remember, though, that now is where you are, and now is when you can make a difference." Ralph Marston
Special Olympic Athlete's Oath:
"Let me win. But if I can not win, let me be brave in the attempt."