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Old Mon Jun 14, 2010, 10:00am
NCASAUmp NCASAUmp is offline
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Originally Posted by KJUmp View Post
Rules Supplement
32. Intentional Walk (Slow Pitch)

......"and the intentional walk starts by the defensive team notifying the plate umpire of their intent."

Sorry, DC...too late.
Nice job on not allowing them to reverse their decision to issue the intentional walk.
Not much different than them informing you of a substitution, and you've entered it on your lineup card and/or informed the official scorer/opposing team.

Somewhat similar sitch last weekend in a 12u tournament. Coin flip, red team is heads, coin comes up heads, I ask red team what is their choice, red HC asks one of his two captains "what do we want to be home or away?" Captain#1 says "Away." Look of horror comes over red HC's face as he glares at capt.#1, who then says.."no, no, I meant home, we want to be home."
Red HC looks at me (still in shock), and I say, "OK, red team is the away team and will be batting first. White, you're home. Coaches, let's get them out there, have a good game."
Red HC then says, "Come on ump, you know she made a mistake." My reply, "Coach, all I do know is that you get a choice when you win the flip, her choice when asked by you was AWAY. You get one opportunity to chose, not two."
Coaches will say and ask the darndest things.
I don't know if I would have forced them to stick with their blunder. Unlike the situation I presented, no one is in jeopardy.

It's not like you asked them their favorite color... "Blue, no, red, AHHHHH!!!!"

I haven't decided if I should call it from the dugout or the outfield. Apparently, both have really great views!

Screw green, it ain't easy being blue!

I won't be coming here that much anymore. I might check in now and again.
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