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Old Mon Jan 13, 2003, 03:42pm
LarryS LarryS is offline
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Since I never played the sport, I can see where it might be a little helpful. Even if you played, it would give you an idea on how the game is taught (may be totally different than when you played). But not sure it would be worth the trouble (especially since most schools in my area practice while I'm working) and worth the possible conflict of interest if you happened to get the school on your schedule.

I can see the benefit to the players if an official went to their practice and covered the misconceptions we often talk about and how the game is generally called. Again, I would be concerned about the appearance of a conflict of interest.

Scrimmages are good...just not too sure about going to practice.

Now I would like to see the players be required to read the rule book, but judging from the number of kids who get nailed with No Pass-No Play in this area I'm not even sure if that would do any good.
I didn't say it was your fault...I said I was going to blame you.
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