Originally Posted by clev1967
Could not disagree with you more Irish.
Let me think about that one........
The problem here with lack of teams in ASA tournaments is ASA dropping the ball in regards to their tournament software. There are plenty of teams in VTD tournaments around here as their system is much better.
ASA has also rubbed a lot of people the wrong way with their lack of customer service and the number of hoops you have to jump through just to play in their tournaments.
And VTD, while I sympathized with their disposition and the manner it was done, are part of my point. VTD is in business. The don't give any more a concern about your or your DDs than the next guy. Allen is a nice guy, but my personal interaction with him and his software was about the same as it is with ASA and I'm not happy with them, either.
Lets put it this way, if the burger joint on the corner that has been in business forever- ups their prices, changes their menu, treats you like crap when you go in, never answers their phone you are going to look at what is going on with the new burger joint on the other corner and when your first meal is good and the service is good you are going back next time you need a burger.
And if the burger joint was being sued by everyone from the parents of a girl because she didn't make the national team to every back-alley lawyer who sees a financial opportunity with every injury, they wouldn't have much of a choice than to be extremely cautious in the manner in which business was conducted and increase revenue to cover increased costs. AFA customer service, I don't have a problem on my end. I pick up a phone and get an answer. May not be the specific one I'm seeking, but it isn't a problem. I suspect you are judging ASA based on the local association. I'm not.
As far as this carrot you are talking about not sure where that comes from. Having a team is expensive the only revenue coming in is from player fees. Not many sponsors running around these days.
You really don't know what the carrot is? Obviously, you are not one of the folks to which I am referring.
I can only speak to how I schedule tournaments. I send out a conflict sheet to team at the beginning of each season and then check out holidays. Now I have narrowed it down to which weekends we can play and then schedule from there. It has become much harder to do because of the ASA issues in our area. So if it is two weeks out from a tournament and there are only one or two teams signed up I have to look elsewhere or I am going to have to big of a gap in the schedule.
The only time money becomes involved is if there are two tournaments the same weekend and one is less expensive and offers more games.
Again, I went out of my way to state my post was relatively generic, yet you seem to respond in a personal fashion. It was not directed at you, but there are three sides to every story. Many people really have no idea what local associations have to endure. There are good and bad, but every time I invite any of the habitual complainers who always have a better idea to get involved or even just show up at a meeting to vent, there is no response, but the whine keeps on coming.
I know there are organizations which are just the opposite, but I can tell you as a matter of fact, most go out of their way to make reasonable accommodations for the many concerns. Unfortunately, too may people think that isn't true if they don't get what THEY want, yet will never stop long enough to stop and have a reasonable discussion.