Thread: Varsity coach
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Old Mon Jan 13, 2003, 12:21pm
Tim C Tim C is offline
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We've gone through this before:

Different states and different leagues have different rules concerning what happens when a coach is ejected from a game.

Some leagues have "no penalty" other than missing the remainder of the game when ejected . . . there are a number of different rules when coaches are involved in a multiple of games in one day situation.

"I don't know what the others will say but I would not let him back into the gym after game management led him out. Just because he is the next coach has no barring on the fact that he was ejected."

Unless there are league or state rules that support this decision an official has no right to make stuff up. This is very bad advice.

An ejection from a game is just that . . . an explusion from "that" game. Unless there are rules that back-up additional penalities an official has no right to make up their own course.

As bFair says, "Just My Opinion."


[Edited by Tim C on Jan 13th, 2003 at 02:04 PM]
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