Originally Posted by Nevadaref
For the record, Nevada would have been standing down at the other end of the court with his partners discussing something of great importance while the coach was on the floor attending to his player. Plus we wouldn't be returning until the coach was back at his bench. In short, there would not have been an opportunity for the coach to do his little act with me because I wouldn't have been there.
Had the official been standing at the other end of the court I never would have approached him. To me, THAT would have been crossing a line. But since he was right there, and I didn't raise my voice or do any crazy body movements, I thought it was ok.
As for the dad, considering his girl weighs in the in the upper 200's and he picked her up and carried her off, let's just say I LIKE IT when I am on his good side!!! I just made sure I was between him and the other teams bench and prayed that he wouldn't do anything rash as the other coach was also a real big guy. Images of the new "What would you do for a Klondike ice cream sandwich" commercials were in my head!!