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Old Tue Jun 08, 2010, 09:41am
jicecone jicecone is offline
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Originally Posted by rinbee View Post
Joyce seemed to be a bit out of position IMHO. Does anyone know if he talked to the other umpires? No one on base, history about to be made, you know everyone is staring at the play. It's possible U2 might have seen enough to convince joyce he was wrong, but I don't even know if the crew discussed it. I have no problem conferring with other umps. These guys make too darn much money not to swallow a little pride now and then.
Not too many officials I know concern theirselfs with the score and statistics during the game. He missed a call, get over it.

It was a routine call to him and therefore a discussion was not necessary. Do you have a group hug after each one of your calls just because someone complains? I bet not.

You imply that your an official but, it is obvious that experience is something you just hav'nt achieved yet.