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Old Sat Jun 05, 2010, 11:10am
GA Umpire GA Umpire is offline
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Join Date: Apr 2009
Location: West of Atlanta, GA
Posts: 381
Why have officials on the field if IR is used? There is no need for one. Not even a PU. They have the technology to cover it all. Why have them?

Give 1 good example of having them on the field if technology is to be used. I'm still wondering why NFL has any since everything can be caught on camera. And, the funny thing about that is even after reviewing the call, the officials say the call stands b/c they can't determine if they are wrong or not. And, that is with all of this technology and numerous camera angles.

I don't understand why people want IR. We don't have it when we umpire our amateur games. And, they are just as important to the participants/fans as the pro games are. They even have more invested by having a kid on the team. Just b/c there are cameras there doesn't make it any different then the games we umpire. Only it is on TV. Whoop-dee-doo-dah. Good for them. They are on a little box in people's homes. Why do so many care? That game has absolutely nothing to do with them.

The best part about the game is the human element: players and umpires. There is no telling what the outcome will be. Also, can't argue with a computer. Have you ever tried? It doesn't say much back. At least, mine doesn't no matter how many times I call it an idiot.
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