Thread: Royals/Angels
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Old Fri Jun 04, 2010, 12:00am
MOofficial MOofficial is offline
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I was watching this game live and was just at awe what was taking place.

In the first inning, a Royals player had one of the most hideous swings I've seen in awhile out of a Major League player and it was almost a running half swing and he fouled it off. Scioscia was asking the home plate umpire about it being a bunt and if that was the case it would of been an out because of the bunt with two strikes. You couldn't clearly hear the conversation but all the sudden the home plate umpire takes off his mask and starts screaming back and forth. I just found it weird that something simple that normally would require a quick retort became such a screaming match. No ejections in the play.

I believe the top of the third, 1-2 count on Torri Hunter. Zach G throws an inside fastball that is very close and get's balled. The Royals catcher never turns around or shakes his head or displays any displeasure but I'm sure was saying something. All the sudden the HP umpire calls time and walks out in front of the catcher, bends over and starts ripping into the catcher. Manager comes out, starts screaming, gets dumped, and then the HP goes back to the catcher and has a few more words.

I have a few questions for the second situation.

Why would he go out and show up a catcher like that? He was a minor league call up, is that something they teach? I've had a few choice words back and forth with a catcher or batter but never called time to go out in front and bend over and rip into someone where everyone in the whole stadium knows whats going on. I would say at least act like you are cleaning off the plate and get your money in that way.

Next when I was watching this live after Yost was dumped I kept thinking when is another umpire going to come break this up, and no on ever did. It seemed almost to me that his partners were going to let him get his way out of this one for doing that to the catcher, because usually after someone gets dumped and a few more words in someone usually comes down the line and no one ever did.

I will post the link to the video for everyone to see. Does the MLB say anything about this to the umpire? Just seems like there is way to much umpire talk going on right now on ESPN.

Baseball Video Highlights & Clips | LAA@KC: Yost is ejected after exchange with Estabrook - Video | Multimedia

Pretty good one liner if you watch the whole video. Something about the "blue" being on his knee's and blowing something
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