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Old Thu Jun 03, 2010, 12:27am
DLH17 DLH17 is offline
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back to my daughter's's some examples of what i've seen:

trail calling a jump ball at or below the front court ft line extended while he is standing still, positioned at the time line in the backcourt and was straight lined. lead official was moving in to see the play

as lead, coasting into 'position' at just under the ft line extended in the front court
instead of below the base line

official failed to signal, audibly or with a directional, possession on unclear oob violations

official failed to indicated what type of foul was committed - coaches left wondering if there was a push, hold, hand check, block

failed to chock the clock during final two minutes of game when stopped clocked action started

these are off the top of my head

this was the primary reason for my initial comments that perhaps part of the reason why some officials 'get into trouble' might actually be because they bring it on themselves

hustling to be in proper position would probably reduce the number of instances of angst on the part of said official, coaches and players.

then again, he was getting paid $20 for that game, so what should i have expected? the guy to do his job? i guess not.

realistically, there all types of officials...some are not the strongest on the rules...some aren't the strongest game managers....some aren't the best communicators.....some are having bad days.....etc etc. one thing that most officials have control over is their own effort. if effort and hustle are present, i think an official can be much more effective and respected.

Last edited by DLH17; Thu Jun 03, 2010 at 12:33am.
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