Originally Posted by shipwreck
I'm real close to Lincoln. I am from Crete. That's Nebraska, not Greece.  Sorry it took so long to respond, I was washing my clothes on a rock.
Gotta get them clean somehow.
Originally Posted by Fozzie
I am from Lincoln. Thats where I started umping, although I live in Texas now. I know several umpires who will be working those games. Bunch of great guys. Do you need contacts there?
No, I don't need contact names - just wondered if any members here were going to be doing those games.
Originally Posted by HugoTafurst
To people say they are from Nebraska.....
Screen names:
LOL.....I'm not from Nebraska. I am going there for the National games in July and was just curious as to who might be from there.
"It is useful to look back and to look forward as well. Always remember, though, that now is where you are, and now is when you can make a difference." Ralph Marston
Special Olympic Athlete's Oath:
"Let me win. But if I can not win, let me be brave in the attempt."