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Old Fri May 28, 2010, 01:54am
Dutch Alex Dutch Alex is offline
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Originally Posted by Andy View Post
I call in the Jr College league that Ginger pitches in...saw her a few times this past season. She is a good pitcher.
Yep, that true. How did she do in that league? I haven't had the oppertunity to talk to her, since she came back to the Neth.'s almost two weeks ago.
O, before I get you all over me: The softball-community overhere is very small, we know each other all by name and after the games we are allowed to talk with another.
I saw Ginger for the first time about 5 years ago. She has grown a lot since then as a pitcher.

Andy, how was her 2 seconds stop before delivering the pitch? She's always been on the edge and now I feel her "stop" has been even shorter than before she went oversees... Or don't you play in that league with ISF-rules (= simm. to ASA)?

Ik ben niet gek, doe alleen alsof! Gaat me goed af toch?
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