Originally Posted by Little Jimmy
As I read the replys, I see many of you don't consider what I derscribed as an illegal pitch. So... who does consider this illegal? Once again pitcher walks to plate with hands seperated but as both feet make contact she has put her hands together. Now comes pause. Now comes pitch. Illegal or not according to Fed? Other organizations?
She violated NFHS Rule 6-1-1-b, specifically
While in this position, the pitcher shall take (or simulate taking) a signal from the catcher.
"this position" is specified in 6-1-1-a,
Prior to pitching, the pitcher must take a position with shoulders in line with first and third base with the ball in the glove or pitching hand, and with the hands separated.
And, 6-1-1-c has the hands come together:
After completing “b” above, the pitcher shall bring the hands together...