Wed May 26, 2010, 08:18am
Official Forum Member
Join Date: Jan 2002
Location: CT
Posts: 2,439
Originally Posted by MOofficial
Last Friday night I had the final of a district (Missouri plays districts (6-8 teams), then they move onto sectionals, quarterfinals, state (4 teams)). We had two games that night. The first game was a game being resumed from Wednesday night in the bottom of 2nd, the winner plays again at 9 that night for the district championship. Championship game starts at 9, I'm on 3rd in the 3-man system. Fog is starting to cover the outfield so bad that you can really only see the silhouette of the outfielders at some point. Game management wanted to keep playing because the next round is Monday and we couldn't continue on Saturday because it will mess up the pitching rotation. .........
- You can't see the players other than a silhouette? The game stops!
- Are you nuts? You stop the game and see if the fog clears. If it doesn't, the game is done.
- Pitching rotation, who cares?
- What happens if a batted ball clocks a player and his brains are all over the field? You loose your home, your freedom - it's not worth that.
The game should have been stopped / ended! No excuse for stupidity (and I mean on the part of the umpires, not the coaches)
When in doubt, bang 'em out!