Thread: Ominous e-mail
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Old Tue May 25, 2010, 07:48pm
KJUmp KJUmp is offline
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I currently work ECAC. I started with them after Grey left the area. Obviously, I got the same e-mail. The comments in both of Grey's posts (and the replies) are all pretty much on the mark.
As Grey well knows, because of the number of schools and the vast geography the ECAC covers, they need the numbers (total umpires), they need these umpires spread out over a broad nine state area (to save on travel costs) and ensure game coverage. But the need to have so many umps has lead to (I've been told) complacency on the part of many of the umpires that have been working ECAC games for a lot of years. Hence the "implied" suggestion of shape up or ship out. I know they're somewhat serious about it because it's what allowed me to get my "foot in the door" with the ECAC.

Grey..OK to PM you? I had a few questions I'd like to ask you regarding ECAC umpiring.
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