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Old Tue May 25, 2010, 04:48pm
MD Longhorn MD Longhorn is offline
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Location: Katy, Texas
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You know, I meant to make a comment regarding that but forgot. Pete hits it on the head. By rule, "Game Management" is in charge BEFORE the game starts. Once it's underway it's completely the umpire's decision as to whether play continues. I recognize the political problem associated with doing the right thing here, but honestly - did you have a "fair" contest in conditions like that? If YOU couldn't see things, I'm sure others couldn't too. Probably, EVERYONE would have been better off had you guys stopped the game.

Had one game once where it had been raining all morning, field was a mess, rain was on the way, and still coming down. "Game Management" was there, and since this was an "important" game (what, the rest weren't?) that would determine standings, they refused to call the game. League UIC was on site.

So we went onto the field, held a plate conference, let home pitcher warm up (she couldn't even hold the ball!), got into position, called play ball, then called ballgame... and took our money. "Game Management" went ballistic, first at us, then at UIC. UIC told them to go fly a kite. "Game Management" said they weren't going to pay us for that "sham". UIC told them that EVERYONE (us, both coaches, him) told them to postpone or cancel that game - and had they done so, they would have only owed us our "show up" fee. And, if they didn't pay us, they'd "never find umpires again."

Was a fun conversation to watch, honestly. But it reminded me who was in charge and when. I'll never forget it.
I was thinking of the immortal words of Socrates, who said, 'I drank what?'”

West Houston Mike
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