They chose to let the game continue, you did the best you could under the circumstances. Forget about it.
I once did a 15-16 yr old Sr League Division Final between Nassau and Suffolk counties in LI New York. In the 6th inning the home team hit a HR with R1, R2and 1 out. Home team is down by 3 runs. HR hitter misses 3b by a good distance. Visiting team appeals and I call hitter out. Visting team wins by 1.
My partner and I were escorted away from the park by the police. The local news showed a video from the 1b stands that did not clearly show whether the kid touched 3rd or not. I, was never in doubt.
Coach said he touched, player said he touched, I was accused of having a relative in the game (not true) and everyother story about how I took the game away from the kids. Even had a fellow umpire state he would never take a HR away like that.
Three years latter, I am sitting in the parking lot talking to a team from that area and one discussion leads to another and sure enough players from that same team remember that game and tell me how the player finaly admitted missing the bag. My answer to them was "I knew that because I made the cal." Yes I admit, there is always that doubt but, you were there because you earned it and you did your job the best you could.
Move on and never stop trying to be the best you can.
Last edited by jicecone; Tue May 25, 2010 at 04:23pm.