Fog is starting to cover the outfield so bad that you can really only see the silhouette of the outfielders at some point. Game management wanted to keep playing because the next round is Monday and we couldn't continue on Saturday because it will mess up the pitching rotation.
Here-in lies the problem.
If there was NO game management around and this were simply a regular season game would you and your partners have stopped the game once the FOG covered the outfield?
So what if you play Saturday and it messes up the pitching rotation. That's called LIFE. If you work for a living and have deadlines to meet and something un-expected happens guess what! you work throught the night or come in on Saturday / Sunday to meet the deadline.
You could NOT see the catch / no catch because of the FOG so IMO that tells you all you need to know meaning the conditions were not safe. You said many errors followed most likely because the players couldn't see the ball properly.
Also, did they play the game that was supposed to start at 9PM?
Forget about an E-mail it's baseball NOT life / death.
Pete Booth