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Old Tue May 25, 2010, 03:48am
Dutch Alex Dutch Alex is offline
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Join Date: Nov 2003
Location: Almere (NL)
Posts: 370
AUw, that hurts!

Sunday the dutch national team played in training for the WC in Caracas a double header against the foreigners. This is a team made out all non-dutch players in the dutch competition.
I had the honor to be one of the 2 umpires.

The first game on the bases was an easy one. I've got not even one difficult call to make. The second game started with dutch pitcher Ginger de Weert. She returned last week to the Netherlands after having studied and played in the US for Central Arizona College. She delivers a hard ball, got hit on my left under arm. It realy hurts, still!
Visited hospital, yesterday (Monday), got the advise not to go to work (night-shift Mo > Tu)... Need rest for the arm, which is also subject all year for fysiotherapy after a tennis-elbow.
Saturday I'll have a men's game coming up, hope I make that!

Ik ben niet gek, doe alleen alsof! Gaat me goed af toch?
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