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Old Tue May 18, 2010, 08:25am
bob jenkins bob jenkins is offline
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Originally Posted by Illini_Ref View Post
What do you mean by "until there's an appeal"? Do you mean that if a BR round first, but misses the base and is subsequently tagged when returning, then the run is wiped off when the appeal is granted successfully?

Why is there a difference between rounding and overrunning? The rule says before the batter-runner touches first base.
A runner who passes a base is assumed to have touched it, until there's an appeal. So, in both your cases, the run temporarily scores.

If the BR overruns first and is tagged while diving back in, then it's obvious (I'll agree that there might be an exception here) that he missed first, and that the tag is an appeal. SInce there was an appeal, the BR is out before touching the base, and the run does not count.

If the BR rounds first, then is tagged while diving back in, the tag is (likley) not an obvious appeal. Rather, it's a tag on a runner who is off the base. So, the run still scores (for the time being). If the defense now properly appeals the miss (Roder's "no subsequent appeal" not withstanding), then the appeal takes precedence, the BR is out before touching first, and the run does not count.
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