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Old Thu May 13, 2010, 11:31am
PeteBooth PeteBooth is offline
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Location: Newburgh NY
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Dropping down a notch on your own

Hi all:

Did you ever "drop a level" on your own or contemplated dropping a level on your own?

here is what I am referring to

I do not officate basketball but I have friends that do. Some refused promotion to varsity preferring to stay at the modified level where they have a 5 Qtr. continuous clock and basically no hastles from the coaches where the varsity games are intense and you have to deal with the coaches. Some requested on their own a "drop down" back to the modified JV level.

Same is true for baseball. As a varsity official we all get our fare share of modifed / JV games (to help out the new umpires). At least in my area the JV games were a breeze and on average 1hr. 45 minutes to 2 hrs. compared to some varsity games that I had this year that lasted 2:45 to 3 hours plus the grief that comes with it.

I have talked to a few buddies and they to are contemplating whether or not to give up the varsity schedules and simply go back and do modified / JV.

Therefore, I at least often ponder - is it worth it?

Granted it all boils down to one's umpiring goals but at least for me I find the lower level games much more enjoyable (which after all is why most of us got into this in the first place)

I tend to think (obviously not in all cases) that one gets to a point in their officiating careers where you simply get tired of the bu*****t that comes with the so called BIG GAME or higher level ball.

Therefore, have you ever wanted to drop back down again for the simple fact that you were tired of the BS and found the lower level modified / JV game much more enjoyable.

Pete Booth
Peter M. Booth
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