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Old Wed May 12, 2010, 07:26pm
DG DG is offline
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Originally Posted by johnnyg08 View Post
As you describe it, as soon as you call him out, you award him 3B if in your opinion he'd have reached 3B minus the OBS. Sometimes (Type B) can me very subtle...but if the runner has to alter his path to the base, the runner who would've been safe minus the OBS, is now out on a banger. That's the point of the Type B. In FED, since they don't have Type B...I may not call OBS on certain plays because I'm not going to award the runner a cheap base. (Only certain situations)
In this situation I would not call him out, if I am going to award him the base. I would just call TIME, runner is awarded 3b on the obstruction. And then of course, you will explain it to the defensive coach who is going to come out for explanation.

In FED, all obs is called like type B, in that it is always delayed dead ball. The defense may throw the ball away in a rundown for example, so in FED you let that happen and award bases accordingly.
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