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Old Fri Jan 10, 2003, 11:31am
Ridge Wiz Ridge Wiz is offline
Official Forum Member
Join Date: Jan 2002
Posts: 49
Isn't it obvious?

His/her team lost - therefore the refs must have cheated. Look it up - it's in the rulebook at 11-42-3.
"It's not just because I'm a bi(@&- it's the law."


Send your complaint to:

My Team Lost
ATTN: Whining Dept.
1010 Needs A Life Avenue
Loserville, USA
I love how some folks on this board are quick to tell another official, "I would have to have been at your game to tell you how I would've made the call in question." However, when a non-official ask a legit. question, these same people give a reply similar to the two examples above. Don't get me wrong, I REALLY LIKE this board. And I have learned and/or come to understand many rules of officiating from this board. Our assoc. does not assign officials to work varsity games at the same school they work. Yes, of course their is a COI when a high school employee officiates at his/her place of employment. Consider the trouble (perceived or real) an official could be in if they toss a coach, toss a fan, or goodness forbid, blow a call. To answer the question at hand. I would find the assigner of the game and ask that person about conflicts of interest. Keep in mind that you need facts not your just your perception if your team happened to lose.
"Enlisted men are stupid, but very cunning & deceitful & bear considerable watching." - Officer's Manual 1894
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