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Old Mon May 10, 2010, 09:56pm
Anchor Anchor is offline
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Join Date: Dec 2009
Posts: 88
"Every player is entitled to a spot on the playing court provided such player gets there first without illegally contacting an opponent."

No way this is a no-call by NFHS standards. Somebody got their spot taken illegally. That would be true even if it did involve a flop.

A player gets hit square between the tits there better be an obvious reason it is not a PC foul. There are only 3 ways to lose legal guarding position once obtained (which he had done as pointed out in a previous post):
1) offensive player gets head and shoulders around front of torso of defender (which clearly didn't happen)
2) defensive player is out of bounds (which he is not)
3) defensive player is moving towards offensive player. The minute forward motion involved by the defensive player bracing to absorb impact is not the same as moving forward.

By rule one does not lose LGP by initiating a flop; however, when one flops so that the contact doesn't occur, or the subsequent contact does not interfere in any way with their legal guarding position, there can be no foul.

It was a charge, plain and simple.
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