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Old Thu May 06, 2010, 10:53pm
HugoTafurst HugoTafurst is offline
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Originally Posted by Infield Fly View Post
Thanks Irish Mafia and SRW. Yeah, the out on the interference was in fact an out on a forced runner. So even if the runner coming in from 3rd had already crossed the plate at the time of the interference the run would not count per Rule 5, 5 B 1 (I failed to make clear that this was, in fact, the 3rd out).

As far as the other part of that play -- the offensive team's contention that the deflection of the batted ball by the pitcher negated the interference -- is the responsibility of the runner to allow the fielder to make the play absolute? Or if it happens bang-bang should it just be ruled a train-wreck? In the case of a single fielder booting a play we got the "step and a reach" decree a year or two ago from the powers that be. Is that the operational guide to go by if the interference occurs on another fielder with a chance to make the play?

On the play I'm describing there was quite a bit of time and substantial real estate between the deflection off the pitcher and the point of contact of the runner with the shortstop. So it seemed like a clear case of interference to me (and my partner who called it).

For NFHS...
Am I correct that his would NOT be an out for interference since the ball was deflected off the pitcher, but would be inteference if deflected off any other fielder?
(Case Book 2.47.3(B)
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