Originally Posted by Judtech
Since you asked for feedback here are something to consider. In a situation where the coach wants an explaination try saying something along the lines of "I gotcha coach, let me take care of this first and then we can chat." This let's the coach know that you are willing to talk to them, but also letting them know that you have other responsibilities. It is a small change but you the way you phrased it may have been interpreted as brushing him off.
Let me play devil's advocate for a second. I have told coaches that very thing and because the explanation was not coming as fast as they wanted, it did not matter how nice you were to them in explaining you will come when you get a chance.
Originally Posted by Judtech
When he questioned why he didn't get a warning I would have left off the second half of your statement. Basically, he asked a question and all you have to do is answer it. "Why didn't I get a warning" "Coach, I don't have to give you a warning" and let it go at that. Anything more you might come across as a bit snarky.
As for the rest of his comments, I would have had to put the sarcasm filter on high for me and just walk away with a smile.
Not trying to come down on the way you handled it. Just trying to pass on some things I have had to work on. ![Cool](images/smilies/cool.gif)
There would be some that would get upset with you if you told them "I do not have to give you a warning." Not to say that is the wrong thing to say, but having said that I have gotten some flack because I was not willing to give a reason "why" every time something happened.
Now I am just saying this to illustrate how different people deal with different situations. And even how you can have the best intentions and have the worst a-hole coach still overact. This is also why a lot depends on your demeanor, your physical appearance, your tone in your voice, your body language or even the way you look at the coach. And considering this is a "wreak" game, I am sure this coach probably is not that experienced in his role as a coach. And maybe has not been through the training himself to know what to do and how to react to officials and get the appropriate response from them too. Also none of us where there and we really do not know how calm or unreasonable the coach was or even the official in this case. This is why this is the hardest part to teach officials and much of what they learn comes through much trial and error.