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Old Thu May 06, 2010, 03:27pm
Infield Fly Infield Fly is offline
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Posts: 4

Thanks Irish Mafia and SRW. Yeah, the out on the interference was in fact an out on a forced runner. So even if the runner coming in from 3rd had already crossed the plate at the time of the interference the run would not count per Rule 5, 5 B 1 (I failed to make clear that this was, in fact, the 3rd out).

As far as the other part of that play -- the offensive team's contention that the deflection of the batted ball by the pitcher negated the interference -- is the responsibility of the runner to allow the fielder to make the play absolute? Or if it happens bang-bang should it just be ruled a train-wreck? In the case of a single fielder booting a play we got the "step and a reach" decree a year or two ago from the powers that be. Is that the operational guide to go by if the interference occurs on another fielder with a chance to make the play?

On the play I'm describing there was quite a bit of time and substantial real estate between the deflection off the pitcher and the point of contact of the runner with the shortstop. So it seemed like a clear case of interference to me (and my partner who called it).

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