Thread: I'm baaa-aack
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Old Wed May 05, 2010, 04:57pm
MD Longhorn MD Longhorn is offline
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Join Date: Sep 2003
Location: Katy, Texas
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I'm baaa-aack

Hello all who've been here a while. I'm no longer AWOL. Lots of changes for me - worked 2 places were it was about impossible to get on line at work, and far too busy at home.

Now I have a LITTLE bit of free time during work breaks to check in here.

I've moved to Houston (well, Katy). Breaking in at a new place is tough, but I think I've finally met some of the right people. Had 8 or 9 high school games this year and was pretty busy with ASA on Monday's and Saturdays. Worked 11 games this weekend, loving every minute of it and working with a GREAT partner who showed me a few things I was doing wrong that I would have never learned had I stayed in the "sticks" or northwest Dallas where I was big fish in a little pond.

I think I'm going to like medium fish in a huge pond. Lots of good ball here - lots of good umpires.

I don't do nearly the football I did before (the good ole boy network in Houston seems to be harder to break into than it was in Dallas).

And one last change ... now I'm an IT guy designing websites (check www dot imstoday dot com - and the associated IMSToday blog (link in the lower left of the main site).
I was thinking of the immortal words of Socrates, who said, 'I drank what?'”

West Houston Mike
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