Originally Posted by jkumpire
Please note [rant] and [/rant] keystrokes.
Just looking for a funny story or two, to sooth my irritation.
I understand where you're coming from. I added a little sarcasm with my last two sentences. After Dennis Miller would complete his rant monologue, he would end it with, "That's just opinion. I could be wrong."
I will relate a little story that got under my skin one time. Nothing major really. I was working the last two games on the first day of a three day, 16 team tournament played at two fields. We were already about one hour behind schedule.
I had the plate for the second game. At the time, they were two of the better teams in the area, so the pitching was better than most. There was one heckler in the stands.
On just about every pitch that was called, he had to make the same comment over and over. You could tell which team he was rooting for by his actions.
For the first two innings or so, he would say in a rather loud tone of voice, "Good call, Blue" to show his displeasure. After that he switched it to, "Good Blue call." That went on for the full seven innings. I even asked the catcher for the team he was rooting for, "Is that your Dad?" He burst out laughing and said, "Hell no, but I have to hear it ever freaking game."
After he made that comment, I started thinking I hope don't have anymore games with this team if he does that all the time. At the end of the game as I was going to my vehicle, a fan came up to me and patted me on the back and said, "Good Blue game." We both burst out laughing and that was the end of that. So some good came out of it after all.