Originally Posted by mbyron
They might if he were consistently ejected and they had to scramble every game to replace him on the spot.
If I were on the game, he'd get a warning for the first comment and be gone after the second. Has he never been to a pro ballpark?
Of course not, this is south MS, not the "big city". There was no need to eject him, he was absolutely doing it because he loved it and he wasn't harming a thing, just kind of humorous. (and irritating)
Of course, this was also 15 years ago. Now everyone even in little ole MS has a PA announcer, a computer operator with music before every batter, and between innings. Makes it lots of fun to go to the park and that is even with the small schools.
Of course, me being a musician, I love the music, sometimes the best part of the game. (g)