Originally Posted by DG
Emmel got one chance to make this call. I got several as I rewind and replay on DVR. Did not look voluntary to me. Did not look like a flip either. Looked like ball popped out as he reached for it. Good call on the one split second chance. And thus the no change...
When did Sutcliffe become a RAT? Retired players who become announcers are just that. They know less about the rules than the RATs.
I don't think it was a flip either. He was not in control of his body and as he went to reach in for the ball, it popped out of his glove (in other words, the ball didn't come out as a result of Span pulling it out, it came out before).
The comment at the end of the clip is particularly hilarious when the announcer counts the steps Span takes, as though that is relevant.