Originally Posted by DG
I am familiar with the FED interp that says it is RLV if F2 throws the ball over F3's head, but not familiar with others that say other non-quality throws are the same. So if BR is running in fair territory left of the running lane on a dropped 3rd strike that gets away from the catcher to his right and he plugs the runner 15' from the base with F3 having no chance at a play, FED wants this called RLV? I need to see a case play or interp cited on that, or similar non-quality throws that do not involve throwing over F3's head because BR is in direct line between F2 and F3, and out of running lane.
The FED has a specific case play or interp that this (BR to the left, F2 to the right, or vice-versa) is NOT interference.