Originally Posted by Kevin Finnerty
I have lost two people close to me, and in both cases, it is because of a failure of our justice system that the admittedly biased Scarecrow loves. Another dear person to me had his life ruined by a drunk driver. He spent the rest of his life in a wheelchair. The justice system the admittedly biased Scarecrow loves had the perpretrator out of jail before my friend was out of the hospital. That's a sampling of my experience with it.
The plural of anecdotes is not data.
Originally Posted by Kevin Finnerty
To have a curious rating system that automatically puts our system at No. 1 with no cogent argument for it is a little silly.
Dishonest much?
"I don't think I'm very happy. I always fall asleep to the sound of my own screams...and then I always get woken up to the sound of my own screams. Do you think I'm unhappy?"