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Old Tue Apr 20, 2010, 08:47pm
cbfoulds cbfoulds is offline
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Originally Posted by Kevin Finnerty View Post
You love our justice system? Then, I must assume, that you have had little or no first-hand experience with it.

And, based on part of the rest of your statement, you must have very little knowledge of some of the justice systems found in other civilized countries.
Sorry, Finnerty, you are completely full of crap on this one.

I have PLENTY of "first-hand" experience with our justice system, from just about every vantagepoint possible. I also have a pretty good familiarity with the "justice systems found in other civilized countries".

Skarecrow has it exactly right: as imperfect as it is [and I'll be the first to admit that it is VERY far from perfect], ours still beats hell out of whatever is in second place.

As far as the OP is concerned: like mbyron, I doubt I'll ever have to make the decision, 'cause I don't imagine that either my local assn or my state would tolerate a felon on the field. That said, I have to admit that I fully support that position - a person who steals ["even" from the Gov't] IS a "bad person", namely a thief; and while I believe in rehabilitation and redemption, that comes after the "debt to society" is paid, and after some period of "exile" from the community of law-abiding citizens.