Originally Posted by SethPDX
Agreed, not right at all. You see something differently than your partner, be honest and tell your partner. Otherwise, you both have the call wrong (of course then the coach would be right to be upset with you).
If a coach has been jumping on my partner all day I trust my partner to take care of business if the coach has gotten out of hand.
Agreed. If such a conference results in the call being changed, two things happen. One, the coach whose team now benefits from the call will usually pipe down and be pleased with the call and will often appreciate the fact that it was handled properly. Two, the other coach may get upset, but it's usually not as bad. After all, you've already gone to your partner and discussed the play. What more is there to discuss?
Not to say coaches always share that logic (or any at all, for that matter), but it's nice to live in that dream world for a while.