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Old Wed Jan 08, 2003, 11:49pm
ronald ronald is offline
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Join Date: Nov 2002
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I have better idea now where you are going with your concept but am still completely sold on it. I'm burned out from 4 games of bb tonight and the brain is dead. Seems to make sense in the situations in which you cite and I would say the rules writer's certainly did not want us to call interference cause someone is running too loudly. The example you give would be way to broad of an interpretation of the any act that ... The writers did not want us to do that.

Has anyone ever called verbal interfence? I had a 1st base coach who flirted with getting it a couple times. He would yell for the player to throw the ball to the wrong base. a couple of times the players almost did. If the player had thrown the ball, he would have gotton it. He cocked to throw but did not. Oh, I was hoping he would because I wanted to call it on him sooooo bad.
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